> 작성일 : 2021-02-23
> 수정일 : 2025-01-02
create database {디비명} collate '{문자셋}';
# Ex)
create database ProjectDB collate 'utf8_general_ci';
create user '{사용자ID}'@'{접속IP}' identified by '{비밀번호}';
# Ex)
create user 'opendocs'@'localhost' identified by 'passOpd';
# 권한부여
grant all privileges on {디비명}.* to '{사용자ID}'@'{접속IP}';
grant all privileges on projectDB.* to 'opendocs'@'localhost';
# 권한적용
flush privileges;
Tags : create database, create db, grant, mariadb grant, mariadb 접속권한, mysql grant, mysql 접속권한, 권한부여, 권한적용, 디비권한, 디비권한설정